Meet with Bonita via Zoom or phone.

Honor your soul with a full connection

Akashic Past Life Reading

Who were you before you became you?

Bonita will introduce you to your Past Lives and share messages from your Soul Guides. The lives that come forward often feel connected with your karmic lessons of this life. They have stories to share and may even be trying to help you to better navigate your path forward for this life. Meet Your Past Lives through the Akashic Records! During your session, you are encouraged to take notes. You will get both an audio and video recording of your session for future referral and review. You will be amazed with how relevant Bonita's information is through the year and more following your reading! ($250 per 1 1/2 to 2 hour session)

Private Conversation with the Librarians of the Akashic Records

Receive direct answers to your personal questions

Bring your questions to the Librarians of the Akashic Records, speaking directly to you through Bonita's body! Sometimes other eternal and divine beings also show up to share messages. During your private session, Bonita will enter a state of trance. Her consciousness will be replaced by the Akashic Collective, including your personal Librarian. They will share messages and answer your questions about your Life Path and personal well-being. Following your Akashic conversation, Bonita will return to review your messages and offer resources. You will get both an audio and video recording of your session for future referral and review. You will be amazed with how relevant Bonita's information is through the year and more following your reading! ($285 per 1 1/2 to 2 hour session)

20 minute Illumination Conversation

Sometimes you just need a little support

Sometimes you just have a few questions or need a little help with your personal alignment. This session is for your personal growth and energetic evolution. You can use it for personal understanding, educational & mentoring purposes, Life Path confirmation, questions about your Guides, etc… ($95 per 20-minute session)

PranaShakthi Energy Healing

Pure Love Simultaneously, from All Dimensions

Bonita, director of PranaShakthi Global, is one of the most powerful PranaShakthi healers on our planet. She has been training with physical & spiritual Gurus since she was a child and is a direct student of A direct student of Guruji Sri Yogacharya Arun Kumarji and his right hand Yogavisharada Priya-ji. Bonita can offer healing sessions as well as assist you with a variety of Ceremonies, Guided Visions & Spirit Quests, including Soul Retrieval, Soul Contract Design, connect with your Spirit Guides & Animal Spirits, Align with your Higher (True) Self and more. During your ceremony, ancient earth guardians and multi-dimensional spirits will channel healing energy through Bonita to you! ($365 per 60-90 minute session)

What People Say About Bonita

  • Thank you so very much! I feel like it's Christmas morning! You've given me so many amazing resources; I can't thank you enough. I have a lot of work to do, but now I am inspired and empowered instead of overwhelmed and frustrated. You've given me a brand new perspective that is totally based in Love... what could be better than that? The work that you do is beyond amazing and I will always be grateful to you and for you.

  • “I had been in mourning for several years, unable to feel happy for any length of time. Bonita showed me several lives that I had shared with my husband. What a relief to realize we have an eternal relationship that is never disconnected! Bonita helped me to return to myself and rediscover my core of joy.”

  • “Bonita introduced me to my best self. I no longer feel the pressure or anxiety I used to carry with me. Now, life is easier because I am enjoying it! Thank you Bonita for reminding me to be kind to myself and have fun!”

  • “My session with Bonita literally changed my life! She reminded me about what makes me special, why I am here in this life and how I can make the most of my time here. Because of our session together, I have become a better version of myself than I ever have been and ever though possible. I look forward to the adventures that await me in this life!”

  • “I had written my questions in advance. In the first 10 minutes, before I could even ask them, all the best and most enlightening answers came through Bonita. They could not have been more poignantly accurate. A few hours with Bonita can change your life for the better, forever. She shares kind and loving information that you can accept because it is all real and true. This experience is transformative!”

  • “A session with Bonita is a “must have” experience! I have seen her several times and attend her classes whenever I can. Every time, I learn something new and exciting!”