How Jesus Planned His Life: An Akashic Story

Book 3 of The Akashic Adventures series

Have you ever wondered if Jesus’s life went according to plan? Think about that for a moment. For those of you who visit the Akash, look at your life plan. Has your life been on your projected path? Of course, it hasn’t! We can’t even get through one day as planned. How could any of us get through an entire life, entwined and impacted by others who are trying to get through their lives, with anything going as planned? We have free will. Not only us, but all beings, both physical and energetic, have free will. Your Guides and Guardians have the ability to be more helpful or less helpful, as they wish.

Are You Ascending to Master?

coming in 2021

At this exact moment, Earth is hosting literally millions of people who are ready to Ascend to become Masters. I have had the great good fortune to travel and study with indigenous healers from around the world. I’ve found that the further I ventured and the more I learned, that there are certain common elements that exist among everyone. After all, humans are humans no matter where we go. All humans breathe. Our hearts beat. Each of us feels pain… and love. No matter where you go in the world, we have four elements. The ground is beneath our feet. The sky is above us. Volcanoes spew molten fire and red hot liquid earth. Rain turns into rivers which flow into the ocean. Techniques, practices, words might be different but there are common elements & applications I learned from these extraordinary teachers. Be it Buddhist, Christian, Shamanic, Druidic, Hindu, Animal Communicators, Angelic Healers, Acupuncturists, Energy Healers… Across the board there were Universal Messages abut the innate beauty that exists within each of us.

Harness Your Inner Fire!

coming by 2022

What do a 400 year old Hindu monk from Tibet, a 2400 year old Buddhist nun from Thailand, Animal & Nature Spirits, the Akashic Librarians, Buddha and Jesus have in common? How is it that they all met and worked together? What on Earth were their conversations like? Who taught what to whom?

Your Heart, Heal the World

coming soon!

Your Heart, Heal the World is filled with channeled messages from Gaia, our Divine Mother & the Dancers of the Divine White Light. We are each manifesting creators of our own reality. When you heal, l forgive, love and evolve your inner being, you do the same to the world around you. Join Bonita and our beloved, divine friends of the non-physical to learn techniques and develop your arsenal of practical skills for full being healing.

More Books & Web Classes Coming Soon!

Bonita has no idea what books she will write next. She doesn’t do any research or preparation. She merely acts as the conduit, scribe and editor for our Friends of the Non-Physical. For now, each book will be short enough to read in a day and be accompanied by an optional web series of 6 - 8 (20 - 30 minute) videos that go deeper into each book topic. 

We look forward to sharing this extraordinary adventure with you!

What People say about Bonita

  • Wow what an extraordinary person you are!!! I am still stunned by it all. Thanks you soooooo much. I was apprehensive about the reading and now I am so thrilled! You handled it perfectly for me, allaying my fears and explaining so well...what a gift you are to the world.

  • You were totally right with everything we discussed. I am full of gratitude. Full. I am full with gratitude because of you! Thanks to our session, I feel lovingly bonded with what is happening with my current life, with my past life connections and my guides.

  • I will now live happily ever after -- because of meeting with you!

  • Thank you also for ALL these resources you shared. How beautiful to have so much more to refer to. I love your videos above all others -- such beautiful words of encouragement that I just don't find elsewhere. You are truly a GODSEND!

  • Thank you for being so awesome and accurate. You bring tremendous and beautiful healing to our planet!