Course curriculum

  1. 01
    • Cord Cutting Ceremony for Personal & Global Healing with Bonita

    • What is Cord Cutting?

    • Bonita Channels Council of Angels with a Cord Cutting Ceremony

    • Bonita leads an energy flow meditation & channels Jesus (How Jesus created Soul Contracts & Connection Cords)

    • Meditation to Open & Channel a Connection of Love

    • White Light Energy Meditation 12.22.18 - 2 videos

    • BWWI's FINAL Cord Cutting Ceremony with Chakra Cleansing & Soul Refresh 6.30.17

  2. 02
    • Cord Cutting Ceremony: Release Family Distress & Enhance Love

    • Bonita's 2019 Holiday Prep Cord Cutting - meditation only

    • Bonita's 2019 Holiday Prep Cord Cutting - full program

    • Bonita's Cord Cutting Livestream from The Amethyst Center 11.11.18

  3. 03
    • Connect your vibration to that which you desire (Manifestation after Cord Cutting)

    • Full Moon Cord Cutting Ceremony - 3 videos

    • Full Moon Meditation with Cord Cutting Ceremony - featuring Moon & Water Magic

    • Manifest Your Ultimate Self! - video 11, Full Cord Cutting Ceremony with Help From Your Soul

    • What is a Rising Moon Ceremony?

    • Bonita's Lunar Manifestation & Cord Cutting videos from previous events

    • Rising Moon Manifestation and Cord Cutting Ceremony 9/19/2020