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  1. 01
    • INTRODUCTION to 11:22 Channeled Galactic Gateway Healing from Akashic Librarians

    • EVENT VIDEO of November 22nd at 11 AM: 11:22 Channeled Galactic Gateway Healing from Akashic Librarians

Free Multi-Dimensional Livestream

Get ready for a wild and empowering journey! The Librarians of the Akashic Records will, through their channel Bonita Woods, open the 11:22 Galactic Gateway and flow planetary healing energies to & through each of you, into Earth.

11:22 Exodus Code supports the Ascension Journey for 2020 to reclaim balance. Join the Librarians of the Akashic Records to bringh this energy to fruition and open the Awakening Gateway of 2021.

With each gateway form Multitude of Dimensions to Earth, the energies get stronger! Light codes flow in to assist humanity in resurrecting to the higher state of consciousness to descend down the heavenly frequencies to lift density back into light and move into New Earth with Mother Earth.

The Akashic Records are connected to every being. location, frequency and dimension. The Librarians are a natural conduit to stream high resonance energies and light codes through us and into Earth. GIFTS provided for us to implement to Mother Earth to assist with the ASCENSION! Get ready to sow 5th Dimensional frequency and many multi-dimensional energies into our beloved planet Earth.

During a channeled message, Bonita enters a relaxed, meditative state while her personality "steps aside," allowing Those Who Love You to step forward and use her bodies and vocal chords to communicate in a direct, conversational manner. It is a remarkable and very beautiful spiritual experience. You will leave with your heart touched and your spirit lifted. The loving energy that Those of Light share is incredible, palpable and often life-changing. Bring your questions and receive clear, direct answers from your Light Connections.


Bonita Woods (author of The Akashic Adventures book series) was born with full memory of her entire existence, including all her lives and her time between lives. She is a PranaShakthi Master Teacher and director of PranaShakthi Global Academy at Bonita weaves this powerful and ancient Hindu practice with her Shamanic roots and ability to travel through dimensions. Additionally, Bonita is an experienced Aetheric Surgeon, Soul Realignment Healer and Akashic Record Reader.

With over 50 years of experience of visiting her personal Akashic Record, Bonita has learned multiple techniques and attunements for working with the Akasha as well as other dimensions of both Higher and Lower Plains. Bonita naturally creates inter-dimensional portals and frequently, often daily, visits other Realms of Existence. She is thrilled to share her skills and accrued knowledge with you!